Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Broccoli Breakfast Muffins

     If you are anything like me you cannot eat a big protein packed meal first thing in the morning.  I actually despise all breakfast food except for the ones that are made of batter or bacon.  So I have struggled for years with the "I really need to eat breakfast to help get fit" dilemma.  So I continued to scour the Internet for something that looked remotely appetizing to me.  And praise the Gods of Pinterest, I found one.

      Now I have a lot of people ask me, "Why don't you just eat some eggs"?  Well, I hate the texture of eggs.  I also don't like that eggy taste they leave in your mouth.  I've tried them scrambled with cheese; I have even added some hot sauce to help kill the egginess of them.  But to no avail.  I do have to disclose that I can stomach a quiche if it has A LOT of veggies in it and I do try that from time to time.  When I found a recipe for what I am calling the Broccoli Breakfast Muffin, I almost jumped for joy.  It does have a little egg, but it also has things I love like broccoli and cheese!  So this morning I decided to give it a shot!

Here's what you need:

1/2 an onion
1/2 cup of shredded cheese
1 1/2 cups of part-skim ricotta
1 egg
2 egg whites
1 tablespoon of spicy brown mustard
12 oz of broccoli (I like the steamable packs)
I HAVE PARMESAN ON HERE...BUT FORGOT TO ADD IT ON TOP AND IT WAS STILL GREAT.  If you add it, make sure to calulate those extra calories as they are not in my counts below.

     These things are SO simple to make but they do take a little time to bake.  So give yourself at least an hour.  I started these this morning and was about to pop them in the oven when I realized I had to leave the house in 15 minutes and they need 45 minutes to bake..........don't worry folks.  I didn't leave it up to chance to see if the oven would cut off by itself.  I placed them in the fridge and baked them when I got home tonight.

1.  First chop you onion into small pieces and cook your broccoli.

2.  Then, put all the ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix thoroughly. I used a whisk, but in hind sight it might have been easier to do it with a hand mixer.

3.  Next, spoon the concoction into 12 muffin tins and bake for 45 minutes @ 360 degrees.

     And wha-lah!  You have a scrumptious breakfast treat that is only 75 calories & 4 carbs each.  You can safely have a few without busting your breakfast budget and getting LOTS OF PROTEIN.  You've got ricotta and eggs in there ladies so get your protein on!  These are just right on the texture scale for me and I like to add a little Franks Hot Sauce for a flavor kick!!  I'm gonna freeze these babies up and eat them for the rest of the week......with my obligatory iced coffee of course.

Happy Eating!


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