Monday, July 9, 2012

Mini Chicken Mediterranean Pizza

     This summer my husband and I have become ADDICTED to Papa Murphy's Chicken Mediterranean pizza.  It's like heaven on a piece of thin crust....I'm not even kidding.  This is one of their lighter pizzas but I like to eat more than just 1/12 of a of pizza for a meal.  My slices are a lot bigger.

     So while I watch them make my pizza each time I go in for that slice of heaven, I started paying attention to all the ingredients that went in and I thought, "Hey, I can make this myself at home".  Well.....I tried to make it once and realized that I cannot make pizza crust (even the kind that comes in the packet that you just add water and knead it).  So I thought my dreams of making my own pizza were done.  Then I saw those awesome lo carb tortillas that I had in my fridge and thought, "hmmm fat girl, what about making a mini pizza using those as the crust".  And that my friends was the beginning of a beautiful new addiction.

So here's what you need:

1 Lo-Carb Tortilla (I use La Tortilla Factory) 
A couple of spoonfuls of Garlic
1/2 cup of Part-Skim Mozzarella cheese
1 oz of chopped chicken breast (I use that deli fresh kind)
1/8 cup of Feta crumbles
A few leaves of spinach
A few pieces of sun dried tomatoes (not in oil)

1.   Spoon some garlic on top of your tortilla.....I try to stay about 1/2 away from the edges.

2.  Lay down your mozzarella cheese and top with a few spinach leaves. ( I know my pics show spinach then cheese, but after some playing around, I like the spinach on top of the cheese)

3.  Next, top with your chicken, feta and sun dried tomatoes.

4.  Bake at 400 degrees for about 13-15 minutes (just watch it to make sure it doesn't burn)

     And voila!  You have a really nice size mini pizza that clocks in at 350 calories & 10 carbs.

    You can use lighter cheese or not as many sun dried tomatoes to lower the counts even more if you wish.  I also don't use a whole serving of sun dried tomatoes, just a strip or two that I chop into small pieces.

This also goes great with a side salad.  I'm gonna say that I probably eat this a few times a week for lunch and we also eat it for dinner every now and again.  Very filling and very savory! 

Happy eating!

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